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The Coaching Catalyst: Unlocking Deeper Insights with AWE-inspiring Questions

Writer's picture: Retha FraserRetha Fraser


Welcome to the latest edition of the Coaching Catalyst series, where we blend the realms of coaching with business analysis to enhance dialogue and decision-making within organizations. In this installment, we focus on an essential skill for coaches: the strategic use of probing questions. 

Women pondering

More specifically, we delve into the AWE (And What Else?) question - a question considered the best coaching question in the world. A question than can be incredibly potent in the business analysis toolset, especially for business analysts seeking to uncover the hidden layers of complexity in project and stakeholder requirements.

This simple, yet effective, question isn't just about gathering more data—it’s about fostering deeper engagement and gaining clearer insights into the complex challenges and opportunities businesses face.

As we explore the value of the AWE question, prepare to see how these three, seemingly innocuous words, can dramatically enrich your analytical conversations, ensuring a thorough capture of the essential details that drive smarter, more informed decision-making.

Leveraging the AWE Technique in Business Analysis

In the realm of business analysis, where the depth of understanding problems or opportunities underpins successful project outcomes, the AWE question emerges as a powerful tool to boost conversations during requirement elicitation sessions. At its core, this technique is about pushing beyond the initial layer of information to reveal underlying issues, requirements, and opportunities that could otherwise remain obscured.

“The first answer someone gives you is almost never the only answer, and it is rarely the best answer” – Michael Bungay Stanier

Here's how business analysts can effectively employ the AWE question to maximize their impact.

  • Unlocking Deeper Insights: The essence of AWE lies in its simplicity and its relentless pursuit of completeness. By continually asking, "And what else?" business analysts can peel back layers of complexity, uncovering nuanced insights about business needs, stakeholder expectations, and potential project roadblocks. This approach ensures a comprehensive understanding that facilitates the development of more effective, holistic solutions.

  • Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholders are often unaware of how much valuable information they hold or may not recognize its relevance from a business analysis perspective. The AWE technique fosters an environment where stakeholders feel encouraged to share more openly and extensively. By demonstrating a genuine interest in their insights and challenges, business analysts can strengthen relationships and build trust, which is indispensable for successful project outcomes.

  • Preventing Premature Conclusions: One of the critical benefits of the AWE question is its ability to prevent analysts and stakeholders from jumping to conclusions before exploring all facets of a problem or opportunity. This questioning technique encourages a pause, a deeper dive that might unveil previously overlooked alternatives or risks, ensuring that decisions are made with a full spectrum of information.

  • Facilitating Continuous Improvement: Beyond its immediate benefits in gathering information and fostering engagement, the AWE method also supports a culture of continuous improvement. By embedding this approach in their regular interactions, business analysts can help teams and organizations become more introspective and adaptive, constantly seeking out and addressing areas for enhancement.

Maximizing the AWE Method in Business Analysis Dialogue

This method enables analysts to deepen conversations, unveil key insights, and broaden the scope of options for decision-making. By deftly applying AWE in stakeholder interactions, business analysts can catalyze richer dialogue and more strategic outcomes.

Let's explore how the AWE question can be integrated across various analytical scenarios:

  • Goal Alignment: When defining project goals or business objectives, applying “And what else do we aim to achieve?” prompts stakeholders to consider additional objectives or layers of complexity. This ensures that goals are not only comprehensive but deeply rooted in the broader business strategy.

  • Problem-Solving: In the face of challenges, asking “And what else is impacting this situation?” facilitates a multi-dimensional analysis of the problem. It helps in uncovering not just the immediate issues but also secondary factors that might be influencing the challenge, leading to a more effective problem-solving strategy.

  • Opportunity Exploration: Upon identifying potential opportunities, the question “And what else could this opportunity open up for us?” encourages a thorough evaluation of the opportunity's full potential, including long-term benefits and possible ripple effects across the organization.

Practical Tips for Application

  • Know When to Pause: After asking, "And what else?" give stakeholders enough time to think and respond. Silence can be a powerful tool that allows individuals space to reflect and articulate more profound thoughts.

  • Be Mindful of Tone: The AWE technique should invite further conversation, not seem like an interrogation. Pay attention to your tone and phrasing to ensure it's open and encouraging.

  • Use Actively: Apply AWE in various contexts, from one-on-one stakeholder interviews to group brainstorming sessions, to elicit a broader range of insights.

  • Combine with Other Techniques: While powerful on its own, AWE can be even more effective when used alongside other analytical tools and questioning techniques, enriching the overall quality of business analysis.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Applying AWE

  • Steer Clear of Leading Questions: Ensure that your AWE questions are neutral and open-ended. Leading questions can inadvertently steer stakeholders towards a specific answer, potentially skewing the analysis.

  • Resist Assumptions: It can be easy to fall into the trap of making assumptions based on initial responses. Utilize AWE questions to clarify and delve deeper rather than confirm preconceived notions.

  • Balance is Key: While AWE questions are invaluable, overuse can lead to analysis fatigue among stakeholders. Striking the right balance between probing for depth and moving forward with the gathered insights is crucial.

  • Avoid Conversation Fatigue: Pay attention to stakeholders’ engagement levels. Continuous probing can become tiresome, so be mindful of when to press for more details and when to consolidate insights gathered.

Harnessing the Power of AWE Questions for Enhanced Decision-Making

For business analysts charged with guiding their organizations through complex decision-making landscapes, the strategic use of AWE questions can greatly increase the likelihood of success.

Two arrows indicating a good choice and a bad choice

Research underscores the significance of broadening the array of options considered before arriving at a decision. A study by Paul Nutt highlights the pitfalls of a limited choice framework: when only two options are presented for a decision, these options carried a failure rate exceeding 50%. Introducing a third option, however, markedly reduces the failure rate to around 30%, effectively cutting it in half.

But what is the optimal number of choices to avoid decision-making fatigue and the dreaded analysis paralysis?

Graph depicting the number of choices vs project failure rate

Current research suggests that presenting four options strikes the best balance, offering diversity without overwhelming decision-makers. This sweet spot enables us to weigh alternatives with sufficient depth, yet still fosters decisive action.

As business analysts, it is our role to facilitate a decision-making process that is both robust and efficient. By leveraging AWE questions, we encourage stakeholders to uncover and articulate a range of possibilities, thus aligning with the scientifically backed approach of presenting four options. This not only amplifies the quality of the decision-making process by circumventing common biases that arise from too few choices but also steers clear of the stagnation that too many options can provoke.


For business analysts, the AWE technique emerges as a powerful tool in the analytical toolbox, key to unlocking a deeper and more holistic understanding of business objectives, challenges, and prospects.

The effective deployment of AWE questions in dialogues necessitates not just a strategic sense of timing and tone, but also the ability to cultivate an atmosphere that invites transparent communication. Beyond merely enriching discussions, integrating AWE questions thoughtfully can also broaden the spectrum of options, paving the way for more effective decision-making.

By steering clear of common obstacles and maintaining a fine balance between probing and attentive listening, business analysts can harness the AWE technique not only to conduct profound analysis but also to guide stakeholders toward well-informed, strategic choices.

This strategic utilization of the AWE approach not only facilitates impactful analytics but also fosters an environment where diversity of thought is encouraged, leading to a more dynamic range of solutions and decisions.


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